Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring is here...

what is guts when it decides to abscond you at the time of need.?
what is glory when a beautiful girl cannot be pursued?
and what is romance when a distance sight and a wry smile is all you have?
A little touch... a soft hand to hold...
a tender kiss and a wonderful hug is tat too much to ask !

She walks by every day,
but every zephyr is filled with her memories!
a girl- as a friend, a girl- as a sister or as a colleague
never do they need guts nor do they need humor ...
but when its her a distance is all I have!!

proximity is my fear when a beautiful girl is whom I desire!
I look to the skies and curse the stars,
glance at the cherry blossoms that steal my sight
the cool breeze flickers the last few bold words on my tongue
now i am left with an aching heart as my eyes trace her path...Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

Ornamental Cherry Tree In Full Bloom, Washingt...Image via Wikipedia