Tuesday, July 21, 2009

fish in a pond...

Fishing in a pond...
I came across one beautiful fish.....
alone yet beautiful

lost in her memories and her own world...
I got a glimpse and have been ever enchanted...
little by little I was part of her world...
and now so close with so much to share
she is across 3 oceans in a beautiful pond

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring is here...

what is guts when it decides to abscond you at the time of need.?
what is glory when a beautiful girl cannot be pursued?
and what is romance when a distance sight and a wry smile is all you have?
A little touch... a soft hand to hold...
a tender kiss and a wonderful hug is tat too much to ask !

She walks by every day,
but every zephyr is filled with her memories!
a girl- as a friend, a girl- as a sister or as a colleague
never do they need guts nor do they need humor ...
but when its her a distance is all I have!!

proximity is my fear when a beautiful girl is whom I desire!
I look to the skies and curse the stars,
glance at the cherry blossoms that steal my sight
the cool breeze flickers the last few bold words on my tongue
now i am left with an aching heart as my eyes trace her path...Reblog this post [with Zemanta]

Ornamental Cherry Tree In Full Bloom, Washingt...Image via Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

152 Lines I

She: hello
She: therE?
He : haila

It began that way, a necessary conversation...
across the miles discussing things of the past
in a flattering manner it was delivered to a soul ever so beautiful and lovely..
one that brings him joy and happiness,

a tragedy awoke him months ago,
an unsettling day that was- while he waited for her bloody night to pass,
after hours which seemed longer than ever, he heard her voice
a not so surprised tone reassuring him everything was fine...

Fine it was- just for the night,
the next day the uneasiness trickled through him,
the call had changed things even before he knew,
never was a call so important...
never was a voice so convincing...
it just happened.... he cared now...

AN ego he had, the invisible coat seen only by few close to him
it argued about how humanly weak and emotional he had become,
Questioned him- how such small things could shake his roots?
it reassured him of the man he was and still could be...

but never was he at peace as much as now...
just a thought would bring a surprising smile
things moved on so did his ego
embracing her warmth across the oceans.

An occasional HI! and an occasional BYE!
she was on a run and so was he...
times moved, months passed uneventful
the winter set in, a new experience awaits
fresh excitement as the snow fell

Fewer hellos quicker byes
things dint change neither did thoughts cross his mind
the cold sending his soul search for the warmth
pure, beautiful and simple were the queries....